Saturday, 21 July 2018

Sofa surfing

In a, I would like to think, very gallant way I resigned myself to a week of the following.

1) Sleeping on the sofa.
2) Sleeping on the sofa without the cushions.
3) Sleeping from 11 till 3am with the cushions off. Putting them back on because there's a spring mark on my forehead. I didn't want to give the Lifeguards more ammunition. That said, in that they get to see me hobble to the sea in a skin tight tri suit most days they've got plenty to be getting on with.

Like the literary triumph "a squash and a squeeze" sleeping on cushions on the conservatory floor gave me a great perspective. It's a children's story about an old woman who complains about living in a small house. She gets told to bring in all her animals. She hen removes them one by one to the realisation that her house is actually plenty big enough. My sleeping on cushions in the conservatory, even though I had wedged them in with a number of the heavier toys, kept sliding away from me. I suddenly had a new appreciation for the sturdiness of the sofa or even maybe one day an actual bed.It was too hot in the living room and the light from the downstairs toilet mean't I was woken up every time one of the 6 other people in the house from three different countries, got up to go to the loo,prepare bottles, hunt for a dinosaur.

It was a week of 1st's

1) Jack had his first bath and unlike his brother and sister who howled and screamed when we put them in the bath, he howled and screamed when we took him out.

2) William got to visit his new school and said goodbye to nursery, something my wife tried to explain to him. I think this was completely lost on him. As you can see from the image below we need to thank two people.Well one person and one plastic terradactly who have managed to shepherd him safely through his first day, his first nativity play his first solo stand up wee and his first graduation from one level of schooling to another. Anna texted me to say she felt emotional. In all honesty I'm just glad he didn't try and crawl off the stage or came home with a pooh bag containing some wet pants.

3) Grace said goodbye to Reception. She got her first school report that I know Anna really struggled not to critique the critique.

"She definitely gifted and talented she uses nominalization for succinctness in her sentence structure, you don't even do that!"

Nom nom what?"

"Exactly, so instead of saying the big black dog you say Rottweiler!"

"So instead of saying "I'm exhausted because I now have to sleep on a sofa due toa 3 month old pushing me out of my own bed and having two European students living in the spare room, I could just say I'm a Dad?"

"Yeah but I think if you wanted to say "I might be tired but I actually have it much better than I realise" you might use the word Dad!"

4) Anna received what were Jack first brace of actual smiles. This I think is a fair reward for growing, carrying and pushing him out of her body.

5) After nearly 42 years of choosing the slap dash, online course, I learn it as I do it, approach to self development I chose to learn something the only way it really works. Slowly, methodically and one step at a time.
I subscribed to the Happy start up Company an organisation that supports people who want to"Create a life and business rich with purpose."

I also did my first proper (not on an end of course gig where you related to half of the audience) in a pub called the Marine Tavern in Kemptown Brighton.

I managed to get through my 8 minute set, get a few laughs. More importantly when my biggest fear was realised when the music failed and I messed up the end of set song nothing that bad happened and if anything the adlibbing I did to get through it got some of my biggest laughs.

To watch it click the link below MC Wrapper survives his first gig

Grace's Homemade joke of the week.

"Emphasis on the homemade!" I think my daughter's joke this week must have been heavily influenced by her class trip to The Brighton Sealife Centre. I suggested a few alternatives but she wanted to stay with her take on it.

"What knocks on your front door seven times?"
"An octopus picking it's nose."

"What knocks on yout front door six times?"
"An octopus picking it's nose and scratching it's bum."

"What knocks on you front door five times?"
"An octopus picking it's nose,scratching it's bum and sending a text."


MC Wrapper song efforts of the week.

I was quite proud or managing to shoe horn the phrase "In a dream from Charles du Gaulle" into this week's song.

Take care of your corner

Galleria Proxima Generacion

Bolsa de libros escolares

About 12 pieces of A4 paper generously used to create a recreation of her school book bag.
                                                                      21.4cm x 29.3cm

If you've enjoyed this blog, you might also like this lot below. It might help to pass the time if you find yourself in a lengthy queue, stuck on a train, stuck in a lift, or stuck in an anxious moment.

To watch short Vlogs about parenting and how to do squats in the kitchen click the link below
To watch some silly songs about life and the trials of parenting from a MC (Middle Class) Wrapper click this link below

Or just come and say hello or Twitter or Facebook

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