Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Okay I'm done with sleeping on top of a duvet,Autumn now please!

Monday night into Tuesday morning felt a bit like going back to my one and only ski season in 2001.

Every week we would have the dreaded changeover day. Moving a family out of your chalet, cleaning it, preparing food, cooking yoghurt cakes and moving a new family in.

The main difference being  I was saying goodbye to two polite International students, not 8 arrogant stock brokers. 8 muppets who during their week in the Ski Chalet I was managing had...

1) Broken the lock on the larder to eat all the cheese on their first night.
2) Left a pair of soiled underpants under a bunk bed.
3) Were the only group in the whole season who didn't leave a tip.

Not that I'm still bitter,17 years on.

Our Danish and Spanish students would be making way for a German a French representative. I explained to William that he shouldn't mention Brexit, Refugee camps or the World Cup.

He looked at me blankly and returned to eating the scrunched up crisps he had scattered over the coffee table to eat up like a dog.

Operation "Retire by the end of the financial year" took another step forward,maybe.

I received my two t-shirts and did some poses.

Pose 1 me breathing in and trying not to pass out before the 10 second timer goes off.

Pose 2 me being a Dad in action "caring yet firm". That said in this image I look more like I have my son in a one armed naked choke hold.

On Tuesday there were lots of attempts to get a wriggly bottomed William to sit still for a farewell photo for our wobbly lipped student. Once we had said goodbye at the door and stopped making only half joking comments about "William fitting in her hand luggage and Grace in her backpack" we tried to prep the house for my sister and her three grown up kids visiting to meet Jack.

"William just sit still for a few more seconds!"

"I need to get a toy!"

The house was tidied and cleared up to the same standard as if you were expecting a visit from a health visitor as opposed to royal dignatories or your parents.

Shampoo bottles were lined up straight but not in the alphabetical order they would need to be when Mums are in town.

On Wednesday we were busy confusing foreign students with what probably sounded like a hybrid of Del Trotter meets Gerard Depardieu.

The petit girls,cest the temps por the diner por favour.Vous etes dans la bibliotheque 

Google assured me this was an accurate translation of "Ladies it's supper time." Once they'd shuffled nervously into the kitchen to ask if they could remove the T Rex from the bath Anna let me in on her plan to get William ready for big school is about 6 weeks time.

My primary teacher wife had on this, the first day of the school holidays, actioned operation WIBBLE (William’s- intensive-behaviour-bootcamp-largely-exhausting)

This was to try and get our son, who from his recent habit of weeing outside and eating crisps off the table is looking more wolf cub than a human child everyday. He starts reception in September,will he be ready? My wife who has been a teacher since 2001 thinks she’s got this. As today’s relatively easy test to see if he can respond politely to a teacher indicates I am not so sure. Click here to see how that went.

Operation WIBBLE

The humid weather changed dramatically on  Friday to gale force winds and rain on Saturday. This change in air pressure also meant the following.

1)    Several hours of doing shoreline patrols in driving rain and gale force winds to ensure that  the 100's of International students remained just impressed by the shore dump not victims of a shore dump.

2)    A two day drawn out argument about bin bags.

Even without anyone requesting him to do so, MC Wrapper still felt the need to write and perform a song about it. Click here to see how that turned out.

Galleria Proxima Generacion

La gente del árbol lejano

From what I can see crayon chalk, chocolate from a Penguin biscuit on 6/7 pieces of white A4 paper 

If you've enjoyed this blog, you might also like this lot below. It might help to pass the time if you find yourself in a lengthy queue, stuck on a train, stuck in a lift, or stuck in an anxious moment.

To watch short Vlogs about parenting and how to do squats in the kitchen click the link below

To watch some silly songs about life and the trials of parenting from a MC (Middle Class) Wrapper click this link below


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