Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Keep clocking up those small victories and you'll win the war.

If the high point of your day was a Google search reassuring you that an 87 minute "0800" call to the bank, while trying to hoover and encourage a 3 year old to eat pizza was free then it should probably be best described as fairly uneventful.

At 4:30am this morning I had naively thought I could trick my mind into thinking that 6 hours is just as good as 8 hours sleep with the hit the snooze button twice trick. The only clear disadvantage to this being a quicker shower and having to brush my teeth at work. 

My son on the other hand whose "sleep chart" made by Daddy on his lunch break, clearly show's he is blazing new trails on the staying in your own bed front. For the past three nights he has only woken once at 6am and then only to play a quiet game of "Owls and Rabbits" with his sister.

I am sure the next time he gets a cold or has a midday sleep in the car we will revert back to his hourly shuttle runs from his bed to ours from midnight onwards but for the time being this is an improvement.

That got me thinking maybe every member of the family could benefit from some sort of "Sleep Chart" encouragement?
Maybe my wife putting a small star on a piece of paper with a sleeping dinosaur on it would encourage me to stop listening to utube films in the bath about setting up online businesses or the potential future value of Bitcoin and just go to bed. This extra sleep might in turn give me the clarity that when it comes to success there is no easy road, just one where being financially wealthy would possibly have meant the sacrifice of something else.

Maybe the incentive of my putting a small star on a piece of laminated paper with a picture of sleeping dinosaur on it could encourage my wife to make our bedroom a no phones, ipad, zone. Watching made in Chelsea under the covers like a trapped potholer.

My daughter needs absolutely no help in this "Be better at sleeping" department and usually has to be peeled off whichever Mr Men book she taken to bed minutes after we have kissed her goodnight.

Maybe at the end of the week, month, year "Sleep Season? the person who has got the best, most amount of sleep will get some sort of prize? This ironically for at least 50% of the people involved would be the opportunity to have some sleep. 

Therefore it's with a level of self conscious excitement that I present the
"Inaugural Family Sleep League 1" which might well now put my listening to Utube speculators in the bath in a much more favourable light.

Details about the "Family Sleep League 1" to follow.

Apropos nothing here is an image of what Brighton Seafront can sometimes look like at 6am.

Gallery Proxima Generacion

Pajaro Colorido

Felt pen and feathers on white paper
21.0cm x 29.7cm

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One man's mission to help develop a universal basic living wage and send some postcards.

A man with a relaxed attitude towards sorting the recycling preparing himself for the inevitable rise of artificial intelligence.

© 2018 james macdonald copyright

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