Sunday, 1 April 2018

"New World record set for 2kg of chocolate consumed before 7am!"

"Here is the sleep forecast for the Easter week ahead."

Monday night into Tuesday morning will see, "Same bedtime as his kids Athletico" being reminded that he agreed, possibly in an overly generous moment, to get up and look after Fidgety Legs United during the night.

Asleep within seconds Albion broke her usual form by getting into the bed of Tired and Emotional Athletic in the middle of Tuesday night.This led to a number of premonitions that baby 3 of 3! would definitely arrive some time on Wednesday. This was based solely on the fact that it's what Asleep within seconds Albion had done the night before Fidgety Legs United arrived nearly four years ago.

I'm confident that Fidgety Legs United was born early thanks to repeated questions about parking permits from a buyer days away from an exchange and my wife sitting on a stickle brick.

On Wednesday night into Thursday morning "Same bedtime as his kids Athletico" found his back being used as the staging ground for an reinactment of the battle of Bannockburn.

The Scots represented by a toy Giraffe and the English troops by Rock Star Barbie.

Good Friday started for Tired and Emotional at 5am when Fidgety legs United carried out his signature move of crawling into her bed to fidget and whisper about birds of prey.

At 6.30am "Same bedtime as his kids Athletico" attempted to rescued the situation by putting on "How to train a dragon 2." He has no idea how you would go about effectively training a Dragon but imagines it's significantly easier than training children. It probably also includes answering far less promises about Quavers and trips to Pepa Pig World.

For a tried and tested tip on how to train a child who doesn't sleep check out my latest Dadmission Tip at the link below.

No Sleep till, they're teenagers apparently. Watch this film.

Teaching "Asleep within seconds" how to turn on the telly like most things in life has its positive and negatives.

On the plus side you are often gifted an extra 20-30 minutes of sleep before your shift at "Parental Slaves to you . com" officially starts.

The down side being that like this morning you might find yourself having another dream about a noisy lion trying to help a monkey move a pile of bananas for a Zebra's birthday party. That said there are definitely worse things in life to deal with than waking up as the theme tune to "Ra Ra the nosiy Lion" rises up through the floorboards.

Easter Sunday I was on the gate patrol so up an out of the house half five. But not before I had successfully knocked over an Easter Egg balanced on the microwave, sat on a cream egg hidden on a chair,and surfed a “Make your own Easter bonnet” pack down the last steps of the stairs.

My wife texted me about an hour later as I was shining a torch under Brighton Pier to report that the Easter egg hunt which due to being held inside lasted 1:34 seconds.

Galleria Proxima generacion

Tres sirenas y una marsopa

 Crayon on white paper, scrunched up and sat on in the car seat with the faintest aroma of salt and vinegar Hula Hoops
21.0cm X 29.7cm

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